Lisa (@lisa)

Thought I would post something more personal today… Enjoyed a slow morning… I‘m waking up a little earlier so I can have a little me & reading time…Every morning looks different tho!

I definitely picked the right one!


I don’t know who needs to hear this:He’s GOD of Miracles!Don’t stop believing and trusting him!Wow so thankful.I‘ve dreamed of this.Worshiping God as a familyThank you @jonasxjay being the best husband and dad ever… your heart is so pure!

I love you so much!

Thanks for leading us into this amazing worship session.My heart is full.

Need this everyday… wow.


Do you wanna go and grab matcha?Trust us!!

You will love matcha in this recipe!!Recipe:200gr yogurt, 1tl matcha, blueberries, 100% chocolate Mix the yogurt with the matcha and add the blueberries.

Melt the chocolate and apply a very thin layer of chocolate to the yoghurt, decorate with blueberries and place in the fridge for half an hour or overnight to enjoy as breakfast.


Oh this quote hits me so so much!Why am I so hard on myself sometimes?@jonasxjay and I had a conversation today that it makes him sad to see me unhappy with myself sometimes… don’t get me wrong… I really wanna see myself the way God sees me… I really wanna be thankful for how I am ESPECIALLY cause I‘m healthy… but sometimes I‘m standing in front of the mirror and focus on everything I‘m not happy about… THIS YEAR I WANNA LEARN ABOUT WHAT REAL BEAUTY MEANS.

We can read a lot abbot it in the Bible… I wanna focus on the truth and really believe that real beauty is more about the inside then the outside… the way we treat each other… the way we love others and ourself… I don‘t wanna live up to the beauty standards I WANNA LIVE UP TO WHAT GOD SAYS.

🩵What does real beauty mean to you?

@jonasxjay would wear @fcbayern jerseys all day everyday!!🤭ï¸

#werbungVacation at @seasidepalmbeach 3 years ago vs.

now…🤪First of all!!

I wasn’t drinking a lot 3 years ago + I don‘t even like beer!🤭Take it as a joke!!

3 years ago was totally different then this time… but I choose this time over 3 years ago!!🥹What a special time!!

So thankful!!


Where are all the germans at who save their spot at the pool at 6am…?🤭

[Anzeige] First vacation in the sunâ€¦ï¸ Something new for our little baba… he‘s not used to this kind of weather or that it’s so bright outside…everyday is new and exciting for him…We continue Jonas family tradition… they have been coming to @seasidepalmbeach for almost 40years!!Vacation is different but so much more exciting!

I love that it’s not just about us anymore… I loved the two of us so much…but I love the three of us even more!!

Making memories… thanks @tn_hotels

Oh how I missed the ocean…I get so much joy just looking at it…🥹ï¸#oceanchild#grancanaria#ocean#thankful

Protein Salad 🥗🤤Mixed SaladBrokkoli Red peppersTomatoes Roasted chickpeas Dressing:Cottage cheeseCashewsAvocadoWalnut oillittle bit of linseed oil mustardVinegar GarlicObsessed with this dressing!!

we don’t have a great day… we have to make it a great day.

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