A spell to get ready faster ?
That’s me in the middle!
🤣 was still collapsing on my right knee during the drop (had to work on that)
Goin into the SUPERBOWL like ABRA-OO-NA-NA.
The category is: SPORTS or SPELLS!!
Behind the Scenes of ABRACADABRA with the amazing Michael Dameski.
I rehearsed for weeks for this video!
More to come!
Chatting away and signing!
Another batch of signed vinyl coming tomorrow to ladygaga.com !!!
signed them all personally full name and heart
@parrisgoebel cheering is the best part—I need to do a breakdown of this
Dance or die.
 Show off your Abracadabra dance with #MastercardGagaContest and submit your entry on priceless.com/Gaga for an opportunity to be featured in the Abracadabra (Fan Version) music video. No Purch.
Open to U.S.
& Canada, legal age of majority.
Ends 2/9/25.
Rules: priceless.com/Gaga
My 14th Grammy award is a very special one.
Being a songwriter, all I want to do is tell stories that touch peoples hearts.
Telling this story with Bruno about love is truly a piece of my soul—love is what we all need right now.
Thank you little monsters—wherever you go that’s where I’ll follow.Photo Credit: Rankin for The Recording Academy
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