
Glute & hamstring workout Fueled by @gorillamind cxde: BEEF Fit @younglaforher @youngla cxde: BEEF Lifting belt @villagehiddeniniron cxde: BEEF Deadlift 3×3.

3×5 (lighter)Glute bridge/hip thrust 3×8-10Back extension 3x15Hamstring curl 3×8-10Ab/adduction 3×15 each Sorry no visual for those last two.

If you go back a couple posts there’s visuals ……#gym #gymmotivation #gymgirl #gymgoals #gymgrind #gluteworkout #legworkout #hamstrings #gymworkouts #gymtips #gymtime #gymrat #gymaddict #fitnessworkout #fittips #fitnesstips #fitnesstime #workoutroutine #workouttips #workouttime #workoutoftheday

PUSH WORKOUT (chest, triceps, & shoulders) Fueled by @gorillamind cxde: BEEF Fit @younglaforher @youngla cxde: BEEF FULL WORKOUT DOCUMENTATION/PROCESS WILL BE ON YT (leanbeefpatty /leenkinbi0) this Sunday Incline bench press 3×8-10OH press 3×8-10OH tricep extension 3×10-12Tricep push down 3×10-13Push-ups 3xfailure …….#pushworkout #chestworkout #workoutroutine #pushup #chestworkout #shoulderworkout #tricepworkout #upperbodyworkout #leanmuscle #musclebuilding #musculação #muscles #muscled #muscoli #musculation #musculacao #armworkout #armworkouts #gymworkouts #gymtime #gymtips #gymternet #gymtraining

Quite a handsome lad if I do say so myself Bottle full of @gorillamind cxde: BEEF Fit from @younglaforher @youngla cxde: BEEF :….#gymhumor #gym #gymgirl #gymgirls #gymgoals #gymgrind #gymgains #gymgrossisten #musculação #muscu #musculos #musculacaofeminina #musclebuilding #bodybuilding #gymtips #gymtime #gymternet #gymreels #fitnesstips #fitnessmotivation

Legs, glutes, a little bit of back workout Fueled by @gorillamind cxde: BEEF Fit @youngla @younglaforher cxde: BEEF Lifting belt @villagehiddeniniron cxde: BEEF Deadlift 3×3, lighter weight 3x5Hip thrust 3×8-10Hamstring curl 3×10-12Back extension (with band to increase difficulty) 3×12-15Abduction & adduction 3×15….#legday #legworkout #gluteworkout #glutes #gymgirl #gymgoals #gymglutes #gymgains #gymgrind #gymroutine #fitnessroutine #workoutroutine #workoutroutines #workoutvideos #workoutoftheday #gymworkouts #gymworkout #gymroutine #fitnessmotivation #fittips #fitteam #gymtips #gymtime

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