How to effectively use news for trading and cut down analysis time to seconds? Have you…


How to effectively use news for trading and cut down analysis time to seconds?

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For those who have ever thought: «How long have I been stuck on news?

Spent the whole evening studying when I just wanted to relax.» «Lost money again due to missed important news.

It’s unbearable!

How can I keep missing these moments?» «My laptop can’t handle all these tabs and programs.

I’m drowning in information and can’t read anything.» We present to you 1EX AI News — a tool that will reduce news analysis time from minutes to seconds!

We use neural networks to process and highlight only unique and important news.

Here’s how we do it: News Sentiment: We color-code the sentiment of each news item—green for positive, red for negative, and white for neutral.

This helps you quickly gauge how the news might impact the market.

#⃣ Hashtags: Right after the news sentiment, we include hashtags that show the main topics so you can evaluate them on the fly.

Headline and Summary: The news headline remains unchanged, and the summary is a brief one- or two-sentence overview.

All this is conveniently in one place.

⏰ Publication Time and Source Link: Always at hand so you can quickly check the source.

Select Your Interests: U.S.

stock market, Russian market, cryptocurrencies, FOREX, commodity markets, and more!

Create and Customize Your Own News Feeds: Click the «+» sign to create a new feed and get information tailored to your interests.

Use our tool to trade based on a pre-made strategy derived from news sentiment, available to our users, or simply stay updated on the latest events.

Try 1EX AI News for free right now!

Click the link below, register, and be among the first to experience all the benefits.

Access will soon become paid, so don’t miss your chance!

Click here to try it out

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