An exquisite evening with my friends at @cartier!
‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ Season 8.The experience allowed me to spend quality time with students from across the country and beyond, discuss the importance of mental health and share with them my journey as a student.
Thank you Honourable Prime Minister @narendramodi for your commitment towards this cause.
@tlllfoundation #PPC2025
#25YearsOfSabyasachi @82e.official @sabyasachiofficial
#25YearsOfSabyasachi @82e.official @sabyasachiofficial
Congratulations my dear dear friend!🥂#25YearsOfSabyasachi@82e.official@sabyasachiofficial @louisvuitton@theagelessclinic
There’s nothing quite like a luxurious lip mask, and the Pomegranate Wrap has quickly become a must-have for me.
Here’s why I’m hooked:It’s been a game-changer for keeping my lips soft and smooth, reducing dryness and preventing that chapped feeling.Thicker than a regular lip balm, this mask provides a deep moisture boost, leaving my lips feeling nourished and plump.Not only does it hydrate, but it also adds a natural shine — perfect forpairing with lip liner.I’d love to hear your thoughts once you try it!Head to www.82e.com for a special surprise.
Ringing in my birthday with something special — A surprise product drop!Introducing Pomegranate Wrap, a luxurious Lip Mask that works to prevent lip dryness by enhancing the skin’s natural barrier function, reducing water loss.Head to 82e.com.#Newlaunch #Hydrate #Lipmask
10 years ago, on this day, I took my very first step towards committing the rest of my life towards destigmatising mental illness and creating awareness about the importance of mental health.As I reflect on and celebrate the journey thus far, I look forward to the next chapter in my mission…#10YearsOfLLL#10YearsOfHope#10YearsOfImpact
🧿ï¸ðŸ§¿ My heart is full 🧿ï¸ðŸ§¿@ranveersingh #gratitude
Sneak Peek!Here’s my 3-step skincare routine to combat dryness in the cooler months routine:1.
Cleanse with Kokum Plunge, our crème cleanser.2.
Hydrate with Sandalnut Bloom, a rich moisturiser that delivers deep hydration.3.
Protect with Patchouli Glow | SPF 40 PA+++, a lightweight sunscreen oil to protect against UVA and UVB exposure.Explore our routines @82e.official #82e #Dryskinroutine
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